Wednesday, September 14, 2016


consequences mentioned
but always unexpected
it seems
you can follow your heart
and your dreams
to stupid and dangerous places
never erasing the sycophantic smiles
on the faces of those deemed closest
just when you think
you're lowest
they leave you
what purpose did you serve but laughs
what have you to learn
everything. you have have everything to learn
you speak with all the knowledge
of a caged bird
there is a world all around you
a sky above you
Only God can judge you?
He will. 
that should scare you
your carelessness can kill you 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Break

the break is building
the fault underlying the basis
we pretend with faces to the air
we can't feel the ground shaking
we just fake it
the break is building
we will all be broken
our actions insufficient
as only words are spoken