Sunday, March 30, 2014

Dinky and Sugar Babes

Yesterday I met a man who was 84 years old. When I met him, he introduced himself as Dinky, as that is what his wife had called him. Dinky called his wife Sugar Babes. 

Dinky and Sugar Babes were together for sixty-four years. 

Sixty-four years of highs and lows. Sixty-four years of joy and heartache, of hard work and contentment. Sixty-four years of children and grandchildren and change.

Dinky built three houses for Sugar Babes, with his own hands. He built her a house when they were newlyweds. He built her a better house when he could afford it. He built her a third house to confront the reality of aging, when he realized that they needed something that better suited their needs. 

Sugar Babes passed away last year. 

Right after Dinky introduced himself and shook my hand, he pointed to a picture on the wall, a picture in full view of a chair that he spends most of his time in, a picture of Sugar Babes.

“Son,” he said, “that is my wife. Isn’t she lovely?” 

I can tell you that Sugar Babes was indeed a lovely woman. 

I can also tell you that Dinky still loves Sugar Babes. Sixty-four years was not enough to encompass that love. His love for her still exists, in his heart and mind and also in the hearts and minds of everyone that knew them. Things as feeble as time and death could not cause that love to cease.

People often go on a search for the profound. I think that there are occasions in which the profound is right in front of us, and we simply need to open our eyes and recognize it for what it is. If God is love, then love is the evidence of His presence in our lives. It is the unseen matter that transforms and connects us, that inspires us and makes us more than we could ever be on our own. And while we cannot see it, we can see the evidence of its existence by the effects that it has on those around us. 

We can touch it with a held hand. 

We can hear it in whispered words of encouragement. 

We can feel it in a tender kiss. 

We can see it in the deep and abiding love of Dinky and Sugar Babes.

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