Monday, October 16, 2017

Solitary Confinement

No one ever gets accustomed to being alone.
We maladapt to it.
We find things to occupy our time,
things that distract us, but don't fulfill us.
The void grows larger, taking in all the thoughts
that skirt the edges of solitary awareness.
Breaking down those fragile barriers
that were never meant to be
a permanent or impervious barricade
against the flood of silence
that threatens to invade the psyche
and turn all thought towards obscurity.

And then one day we look in a mirror
and can no longer recognize ourselves in the light.

Our eyes, they see, they function,
but we cannot perceive ourselves
in relation to reflected time and space.
Even if our ears hear a voice,
it is only our own,
leaving nothing to orient ourselves
towards or away from.

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